Posts Tagged ‘lifestyle’

If You Need Me, I’ll be at The Drawing Table

April 18, 2010

I’ve put a fire under my ass, and got back to working on the “High Buddies” webcomic strip. I gotta tell ya, we’re very far behind on the production of this thing, but rest assured my partner in this Jason Mainella, of Xsessive Design up there in Montreal has got the grunt work on the website just about ready. I’ve agreed to at least 50 strips, to produce before launch.. with 50 more just behind those. Thus my friends I shall continue to work on these at the art table that is now one chair over set up in front of the window over looking the plush spring old cow pasture.

Here is a couple of production shots from yesterdays marathon “High Buddies” session.

Ok, back to it, laters!

Cotton times (preview)

October 9, 2008

Well folks, the cotton harvest time is nearing over here at the farm. Look sharp much more cotton fild pix on the way.

Help the economy and buy a few 100% cotton tee shirts!